Our Blog

Looking for some tips or suggestions on how to improve your job search? Check out our blog below for a variety of topics to help get you started.

Did I Do Something Wrong?

I often hear the question: Did I do something wrong? It is usually immediately following a layoff, a termination or even after an interview that didn’t work out. I can’t give a blanket answer to this question. I don’t know if you did something wrong or not. What I can do is offer some suggestions on what to do instead.


Why Did This Happen To Me?

I just found out that someone that really hurt me lost their job recently. My first reaction was, Huh. He finally he got his. Wow, what a nice Christian thought—NOT! I then softened as the day went by and thought something like, Well, you know, what goes around comes around. Wow, that was another un-Christian thought. Luckily, this morning I did some praying and soul searching and started adjusting my self talk. I decided I needed to reach out and help him. I have been where he is and needed help. So I have reached out to him, and we will see what happens. (more…)

Are You Your Habits?

I have been hearing a lot about the topic of habits and wanted to add my two cents. I do believe you can change your habits—both good ones and bad ones. The trick is you have to be very aware of what your habits are and how are they serving you.


Already Have a Job. So, What’s Next?

As we move head first into 2014, I want to broaden our topic list. I want to add a focus for the people who have a job but aren’t happy. You know you want to stay where you are but be more fulfilled. I have been in a job where I was satisfied but not truly happy or fulfilled. As I work with my clients, we have discovered together there are at least three actions you can do that will help you get unstuck.


Do You Have a Dream?

I am blessed with a positive disposition, so dreaming comes easy to me. I began dreaming when I was little. I started dreaming about being a ballerina and then about being a famous movie star. I really wanted to be an actress. I loved thinking about it and did a lot of practicing. I even acted in a few community plays. It was fun and gave me something to think about.


Have You Been Fired or Laid Off?

It is really tough to handle being fired or laid off. It is a major blow to the ego and to your overall self-esteem. You will go through the entire grieving process. I encourage you to grieve and deal with these normal feelings of loss.

I have worked with many people who were unexpectedly laid off or fired. I even went through it myself– twice. It is a bummer and can take a long time to get over. I have a few tricks that might help you as you move forward after a real-life crisis like a layoff or termination.


Does the World Know You’re Looking?

The idea that people need know you’re looking for your dream job can be scary for some. Letting people know you are in job hunting mode can make you feel vulnerable. You might have to explain that you got laid off or even fired. You might have to explain to people that you are in this situation because of something you did or didn’t do.

You might have to actually ask for help.


You’re Gonna Wear That?

Does the outfit you choose to wear to an interview in really matter? Yes, it does make a big difference. It is part of that almighty first impression. I know you have heard it for years—you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The choice of what to wear on an interview makes a lasting impression.

I want to talk a little bit about what you should and shouldn’t wear to an interview. We will only cover the basics in this post.


Would You Hire You?

Would you hire you? Think about it for a minute. If you looked back on the last 24 hours you worked, would you be impressed? How about the last 30, 60, and 90 days? Would you hire yourself?

It is important to ask yourself these questions on a regular basis. This is something to consider, whether you are employed or actively seeking a new job. It helps you put things into perspective.
