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Would you hire you? Think about it for a minute. If you looked back on the last 24 hours you worked, would you be impressed? How about the last 30, 60, and 90 days? Would you hire yourself?
It is important to ask yourself these questions on a regular basis. This is something to consider, whether you are employed or actively seeking a new job. It helps you put things into perspective.
I have asked my clients in the midst of their job hunts if they would hire themselves. They usually say, “Of course I would, Jennie.” However, after closer examination, they realize they might not hire themselves based on their current behaviors and attitudes. They realize they have not been sticking to their own job search plans. They haven’t been doing what I call their daily minimum behaviors. They haven’t maintained a positive attitude. The daily reading of their strengths has fallen by the wayside. They realize they aren’t actively networking to see if their dream jobs have suddenly come available. My clients are jolted right back into reality when I asked the question, “Would you hire you?”
So today I want you to spend a few minutes considering if you think you would hire you. Are you giving a 100 percent effort? Would you be proud of what you saw if your work day was played back on video? Did you spend time talking when you could have been working? I love Brian Tracy’s advice in his training series, Time Management Made Simple. He tells you to use the phrase, “I have got to get back to work,” with yourself and your co-workers all day. It keeps you focused on working throughout your entire day.
How about your attitude? Is it worth catching and spreading around? If not, why not? You have to choose every day how you are going to react to everything that happens to you. Are you happy with your current reactions? You need to ensure you are giving your best, your 100 percent effort.
So, let me ask you – would you hire you?
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